This game levels the playing field, and creates safety, in an amazing way. 

It gives me a place where I am actually, truly safe.  Not safe because someone else says I am, or because I say I am, not safe because someone gave me permission to be – I’m safe because no one else can in any way make me unsafe. 

The safety is real. Actual. 

I am safe to be me, OK in myself, OK to explore myself and my relationship with others and with life in a way I have never experienced in the presence of other people.

What did you like? 

That there’s no winner or loser, and no objective.

Club of diverse minds, UT Tech, 9/25/23

Powerful Tool for Guidance and Team Building! 

In getting ready for a challenging multi-week backpacking trip, we used this unique tool/process to set our shared intention for the trip. 

We didn’t know each other very well when we started and our “Word Trail” process was a wonderfully helpful and important way to bring us together as a team. In a fun and intuitive way, the game guided us to six key words as the core things to guide our trip.

We referred to and reflected on them a number of times during our journey when we ran into challenges. Thanks Scout for your vision and wisdom in creating and sharing this wonderful tool!

~ Jen and Linda

One of the things about the game for me that I really appreciate is that it is neutral.

Not skewed towards a bias, a gender, a sexual preference, a socioeconomic status, labels, titles or anything.

It is a truly neutral and protected safe space to explore at my own pace. It allows me freedom and time to do what I want to do within it.

It is liberating.

Player at Atwood Innovation Center open house

Which actually is the alternative world?

I found it very insightful into my own feelings honestly. The squirrel analogy was spot on! Also, it was great being introduced to the “alternative world” the game offered. In hindsight, it really isn’t an alternative world, but actually the world you open up for yourself closing out the influences that exist in this current world we live in! 


I am thrilled you stuck around, honestly talking to you afterwards helped open up a new view (I.e. the circle of experts and play at the center).


I appreciate it more than you know!


Anonymous participant at a game night, Kanab, Utah June 2023

What was most fun about playing?


  • Seeing my thoughts in visual form in a way I could physically move them, organize them, categorize them.
  • Being with others, changing the way we played each time.
  • Learning, imagining and growing
A group of early testers

Because I don’t have to explain, I don’t have to know. I am free.

I am left feeling totally satisfied and in love with with my own conclusion, that I feel down to my bones:

After all this, all is well. Any sense of obligation I have felt, to be or to pretend to be anything other than me, who I am, has been vaporized.

It’s not that I necessarily know who I am any more than I did before playing…

It’s just that it’s fine to not know.

I can wonder.

Because I don’t have to explain, I don’t have to know.

I am free.

And it’s all fine. 

I can carry on.

Thank you

An early tester


I felt euphoric for a few days after playing, and can’t pinpoint why. I simply felt freedom after playing.

Bobby Ennis

I didn’t want to stop

When I heard about the game “WordTrails” for the first time, I did not know at all what to expect. I was just told that there was no explanation needed and a lot of times, we are expecting an explanation before we are getting ourselves into something unknown.

But as soon as I started playing, I didn’t want to stop and I understood, that sometimes no explanation allows us to express ourselves more honestly. Sometimes things don’t need an explanation because it takes away the core meaning.

There are so many ways to play WordTrails. You can play it just for yourself, or with someone else, everything is possible and every game can look completely different.

I think I never played a game that made me think so much about my unconscious thinking patterns. Sometimes I felt I was stuck in these unconscious behaviors that did not allow me to unfold my full potential but the game made me realize that I have the power to change them. I just have to choose another path or another round little chip. Even if it is not always easy, the game made me aware of how I see the world and how I approach it. It is literally like a reset.

Thank you Scout for coming on my path at the moment I needed it and thank you for developing this beautiful game! I am sure it will help many more people out there! Lots of love!

Dara Spector